Today is the third birthday of my favorite boy in the entire world! Three years ago I never could have comprehended how much I could love someone until I held my newborn baby in my arms. Ben, you are such a wonderful, creative, smart little boy. You bring me joy and laughter each and every day, and I am so glad that God blessed me with you in my life. You are so curious and have so many questions.
Daddy and I are amazed at how smart you are and what wonderful stories you tell. You are a fantastic big brother and the best son. We love how you like tractors and farming so much and how any object in your hand can become a car, train, tractor, or snowmobile. I have never met a little boy who loves to read as much as you, or who gets so many ideas from the books we read. We are really enjoying your artistic side and the pictures you are drawing and painting. We pray each and every day that you will continue to grow and learn and become the boy and man that God intended. Thank you for being such a joy in our lives. We Love you and hope that you have a very happy birthday today!