Friday, April 30, 2010

Maggie is Nine Months Old

Maggie turned nine months this week, and we cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. She is doing so many new things every day, and she is changing so quickly. Just in the past month she has started dancing (which is so much fun to watch), waving, playing patty cake, scooting to get to toys, turning pages in her books, and pulling herself up. She isn't crawling yet, but she gets closer everyday. She is up to three teeth, and the doctor told us that at least four more are within a few weeks of coming in. Maggie is eating quite a few table foods now, and I think her favorites might be bread and crackers. She really seems to enjoy eating big girl food. Several people have told us lately that she is looking more like mommy, but that seems to change with the day. She is still fascinated with her big brother and lights up when he walks into the room. There are so many times throughout the day when he gets her giggling, and it is a joy to watch. Happy nine month birthday Maggie!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


When I started our blog at the beginning of the year my goal was to post at least once a week. I wanted to share pictures of the kids and let everyone know what was happening in our lives. Well, I have fallen a bit behind my goal and a lot of that is because I have been horrible at taking pictures this past month. I'm not sure why that is, but here are a few. I will try to do better and get more pictures up. I am hoping to do a nine month post of Maggie soon. Can you believe that she is almost nine months old already!?!?!? I know that we can't.

We have spent a lot of time outside over the last month, and we have really enjoyed the nice weather. We actually got our bikes out yesterday and took the kids on the first bike ride of the season. We borrowed Mom and Dad Gaerte's old baby bike seat, and Bob hooked it on last weekend. We are going to have to make a few adjustments, but we had a good time on our first ride as a family of four. The neighbors must have thought we were crazy because Maggie took Ben's old bike helmet, and Ben was wearing his snowmobile helmet. That was Bob's solution, and it worked for now.

Another exciting thing that happened this month was that Dad came and tilled our garden for us. As with years in the past, I have big plans. I often start the season with pictures from Better Homes and Gardens in my head and then my garden does not turn out that way. However I will try to post some pictures as things start growing.

Here are a few picture of the past month. Enjoy :)!

I needed to carry some laundry downstairs, and
Maggie enjoyed riding in the hamper.
Maggie started clapping and waving recently. I can't
get her doing either on video, but I did get this pic of her

Here is Ben with another one of his masterpieces.
He is very into drawing right now.

Here is Ben playing with some of his new Play-Doh
toys that he got for his birthday. He really enjoys
making new creations.
I ran The Solid Rock 5K with my friend Audrey this
month. I knocked almost two minutes off of my last
5K time.
Bob took this shot as I was heading for the finish line.

I sat down to stretch, and the kids decided they needed
to be stretching with me too. I hadn't planned on Bob and
the kids coming to my race, but it was nice to have my own little
fan club :).

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter and Warm Weather

The end of March and the beginning of April have been very busy in Keefer Country! Below are some pictures from Easter, Grandma Gaerte's birthday, and the kids enjoying the warm weather.

This is a shot of our backyard last night after all the storms.
Such a great reminder of our awesome God!
Ben and Maggie after church on Easter Sunday

Wow, look at all this candy!

Ben is totally loving playing outside in the warm weather.

Maggie also enjoys being outside, and she really
likes watching what her big brother is doing.

My Cuties :)

Fun at the Park

Maggie is finally big enough for the swings at the park.

Swinging is Ben's FAVORITE!

More Fun at the Park

Aunt Jess took Ben to Build A Bear for his birthday gift.
Ben had a blast making Georgie the bear.

Ben and Aunt Jess

Happy Birthday Mom! We love and appreciate you so much.

I realize this picture is random, but I
just love how cute Maggie is after a bath.
Can't you just smell the baby shampoo and lotion.